Modern laundry for preschool
Name of the project / event : "Modern laundry for preschool education",
Applicant: preschool institution
Name of the organization: Municipal institution "Preschool educational institution (kindergarten) № 3" Planet of Childhood ", (abbreviated name - school № 3" Planet of Childhood ")
Address: 23 Kashtaniv Street, Kamyanske, Dnipropetrovsk Region, Ukraine, 51900
Phone: 0672965517
Email: [email protected]
Information about the applicant :
DNZ number 3 "Planet of Childhood" - S rydychna entity of public law , foundation year - 1977. The institution operates 36 workers and educated 124 children. Website of the institution ,
Is the applicant exempt from taxes:
So. The organization is not a VAT payer
Responsible / contact person: (surname, name, position, address, contact details)
Schweigert Natalia Ivanivna, director of the school "3 Planet of Childhood";
Address: st. M. Hrushevsky, bldg. 16 sq. 73, Kamyanske, Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukraine, 51900 contact phone: +380 672 965 517
Bezdetko Larysa Mykhailivna, Chief Accountant of the Planet of Childhood School 3;
Address: Vasily Stus Ave., building 20 sq. 39, Kamyanske, Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukraine, 51900 contact phone: +380 674 273 329
The name of the project is "Modern laundry for preschool education
Short description of the project :
The children's garden is over 40 years without renovation. From March to May 2020 there are renovations in the laundry plant. The workers are supported by state funding and support from the city council. This project is for the purchase of professional equipment or. Washing machine, washing machine, iron press in height from 90 700,00 UAH available. Damit sinkt stark der Energieverbrauch, verbessert sich die Hygiene und die Arbeitsbedingungung und nimmt die Wäscherei ein fintiges modernes Aussehen an.
The purpose of the project in terms of cooperation policy for development (only thesis):
lead laundry facilities in compliance with European standards thanks to Mr oyednannyu membe first collaboration and and educational oho project in the modernization of logistics agency
What is the current situation before the possible start of the project ?
Repair of the laundry is due to the presence of cracks in the walls, which prevents the maintenance of clean surfaces. Laundry equipment is obsolete, has undergone numerous repairs, does not work reliably.
What deficits / problems need to be addressed through this measure?
Simultaneously with the repair of the laundry, it is appropriate to replace obsolete washing equipment. There are no funds to resolve this issue. We hope for the help of the project.
What specific objectives need to be achieved / who will benefit from this project?
This project, subject to implementation, will provide an opportunity to purchase modern professional washing equipment that meets European standards, guarantees reliability and uninterrupted operation, energy savings. This will significantly improve working conditions, provide the preschool with clean linen