Historical background
The formation of the village of Kamianske dates back to 1750 and is connected with the construction of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. Kamianske was a part of the Kodak palanka of the Zaporizhzhya Lowland Army, after the liquidation of the Zaporizhzhya Sich it received the status of a state one and became a part of the Ekaterinoslav province.
Started in 1887, the construction of the Dnieper Metallurgical Plant led to rapid population growth. On June 3, 1917, Kamianske was granted the status of a town. After the creation of the Dnipropetrovsk region in 1932, Kamianske received the status of a town of regional subordination. February 1 in 1936 the town of Kamianske was renamed Dniprodzerzhynsk. In 1938 it included the villages of Romankove and Trituzne. During the years of industrialization in Dniprodzerzhynsk were built car-building, coke, nitrogen-fertilizer, cement, boiler-welding and brick factories, a garment factory and a number of other enterprises.
In the postwar period, the industrial complex of the city was replenished with Bagli coke and iron foundries, the Dniprodzerzhynsk HPP was put into operation. In the 50-80s of the twentieth century. the architectural ensemble of the town was formed, new buildings appeared, including on the left bank of the Dnieper River.
Modern Kamianske is located in the central part of Ukraine, has a favorable economic and geographical position - located on the right and left banks of the Dnieper River in the middle reaches below the dam of the Middle Dnieper HPP. Its territory is 13,799 hectares, population - 238.8 thousand people.
As part of the decentralization reform in Ukraine and in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Voluntary Association of Territorial Communities" on December 24 in 2019, the Kamianske Town Council adopted a decision "On voluntary joining of the Karnaukhiv Territorial Community (Karkhaukhivka township) of Dnipropetrovsk region to the Kamianske Town Territorial Community of the Dnipropetrovsk region" and the Kamianske Town United Territorial Community was formed.
The Town has three districts: Dniprovsky, Zavodsky, Pivdenny and the village of Karnaukhivka. According to the industrial enterprises located in the districts of the town, the Zavodsky district is usually called the district of metallurgy and machine building, the Pivdenny district is called the district of chemistry, and the Dniprovsky district is called the district of the right and left banks. More than a third of the town's residents live in the left-bank part of this district.
Karnaukhivka village was founded in 1737. According to legend, his name came from the name of retired Zaporozhian officer Semyon Karnaukh. The date of establishment of the settlement is October 22, 1938, from January 22, 1959 it is subordinated to the town council. The territory is 2010 hectares, the population - 6625 people.