The town is a powerful industrial center

опубліковано: 25 червня 2020 оновлено: 10 лютого 2025
The economic potential of the town is characterized by a powerful diversified industrial complex. Production in the town is carried out by 36 large and medium-sized enterprises, which employ about 22 thousand people (9.2% of the current population).
The industrial complex of the town is significantly concentrated in the main enterprises and industries. The town's leading industries there are metallurgy, chemical and coke industries, mechanical engineering and electricity.
Kamianske's contribution to the national turnover from industrial activity is 2.1%. The share of sold industrial products of the town's enterprises in the volume of the region is 11.4%, according to this indicator the town ranks third among other cities and occupies leading positions for the production of many types of products of the processing industry.
At the national level, the town's industrial enterprises produce 11.9% of coke, 9.9% of cast iron, 19.1% of freight cars, 0.5% of electricity. The share of manufactured products in the town of Kamianske in the total volume of industrial production of Dnipropetrovsk region is: coke - 26.7%, cast iron - 25.1%, freight cars - 85.8%, electricity - 17.4%.
The industrial complex of the town is dominated by the metallurgical industry, which accounts for about 50% of total sales.
Sectoral structure of the city's industry
The industry is represented by such industrial enterprises as: metallurgical division of PJSC "Dniprovsky Coke Plant", subsidiary "Dniprodzerzhynsk Steel Plant", TDV "Zavod Metiz", enterprise of citizens' association "PARUS-METIZ" of the Ukrainian Society of the Deaf and LLC NGO "Dniprofmash".
Metallurgy and metal processing
1Metallurgical division of PJSC "Dnieper Coke Plant" is one of the most powerful metallurgical leaders in Ukraine. The division is one of the largest producers of high quality metallurgical products: cast iron, steel and rolled products. The only in Ukraine manufacturer of rolled axial billets for railway transport, sheet piles such as "Larsen", contact rails for the subway and a wide range of other products.
А subsidiary of PJSC "Dniprovagonmash" "Dniprodzerzhynsk Steel Plant" specializes in the production of steel castings for car building and the production of steel and cast iron shot.
TDV "Metiz Plant" is an enterprise for the production of various metal products (wire, nails, chains) and corrugated cardboard, which is in demand not only in Ukraine but also far beyond its borders.
The enterprise of the Association of Citizens "PARUS-METIZ" of the Ukrainian Society of the Deaf produces fasteners, wire, nails, netting, etc.
The enterprise of LLC NPO "Dniprofmash" is engaged in production of hire of difficult narrowly specialized metal profiles.
The engineering industry (5.5% of townwide production) is represented by industrial enterprises of PJSC "Dniprovagonmash", LLC "Prydniprovsky Mechanical Plant", DUVP UTOS, LLC DDAP "RAKS".
3PJSC "Dniprovagonmash" is one of the leading enterprises of Ukraine for the design and manufacture of main and industrial freight cars for railways and various industries.
The main types of products manufactured by Prydniprovsky Mechanical Plant LLC are: forgings for flanges, flanges, couplings, taps.
LLC DDAP "Rax" - an enterprise specializing in the manufacture of wheelsets for rail transport to order.
Chemical Industry
The town of Kamianske is one of the most powerful chemical centers in our country. The chemical industry in the town is represented by the following enterprises: JSC "DNIPROAZOT", LLC PE "ZIP", TDV "Dneprodzerzhinsk paint and varnish plant" Spectrum ", PJSC" Dnieper plant of mineral fertilizers ", PJSC" CHIMDIVISION ", SE" Resins ". The share of the chemical industry in the total production in the town is about 16%.
JSC "DNIPROAZOT" is the leading supplier of mineral fertilizers (ammonia, urea and ammonia water), products of basic chemistry (caustic soda and synthetic hydrochloric acid), sodium hypochlorite, consumer goods, and the only enterprise for which sterilization of drinking water and wastewater treatment.
LLC PE "ZIP" is a modern high-tech manufacturer of paints and adhesives of a wide range of applications with its own branch network in Ukraine. The company owns the brands "Fixator", "Triora", "Zebra", "Mallow", "Freska", "Mixor", "Magnum".
TDV Dniprodzerzhynsk Paint and Varnish Plant "Spectrum" produces paints and paints and construction products. The main types of products include: enamels, primers, putties, drying oils, oil paints, whitewash.
PJSC "Dnieper Mineral Fertilizer Plant" produces a wide range of phosphate mineral fertilizers to meet the needs of agriculture.
PJSC "Chemical Division" - a manufacturer of chemical products and mineral fertilizers, includes the production of anti-ice reagent (ANS), calcium nitrate and the production of nitric acid.
SE "Resins" manufactures a wide range of ion exchange resins for the extraction of gold, tungsten, molybdenum, rhenium, gallium, copper and other metals from prepared raw materials.
Coke production
Coke production accounts for 16.4% of the town's total industrial production. The industry is represented by the enterprises of PJSC "YUZHKOKS" and PJSC "Dnipro Coke Plant", which are one of the most powerful producers of high quality coke. In order to dispose of by-products of the main process, enterprises produce a wide range of other chemicals.
Manufacture of other non-metallic products
The share of products of enterprises in the industry in the total volume of marketable products Kamianske is 2.3%.
The industry is represented by the following industrial enterprises: Kamianske Plant of PJSC "Kryvyi Rih Cement", LLC "Polifom", LLC "GLAS TRYOSH Dnipropetrovsk", LLC "SPETSTECHOSNASTKA", LLC "Plant" Svitondale ".
The only cement producer in the town is the Kamianske plant of PJSC "Kryvyi Rih Cement".
Polyfom LLC is engaged in the production of thermal insulation elements for use in various sectors of the economy.
LLC "SPETSTEKHOSNASKA" is an enterprise that consists of several production areas, each of which is an economically independent unit in the structure of the company and occupies a worthy place in its market. The company produces multi-seat molds for large-scale and mass production of packaging, electrical products, medical devices, products for the automotive industry, fasteners, fittings, stamps of various modes of action, medical devices and more.
Svitondale Plant Ltd. produces soft roofing and waterproofing materials of the new generation and is a leading enterprise in Ukraine in terms of volume and quality of products.