Інклюзивний комплекс `Зірковий шлях` (`Star way`) для розвитку та інтеграції дітей з особливими освітніми потребами

опубліковано: 23 жовтня 2020 оновлено: 10 лютого 2025



Name of the Development Project:

Inclusive complex “Zirkovyy Shliah” (“Star Way”) for the development and integration of the children with special educational needs.

Country Recipient:

Region/province: Dniepropetrovsk Region

Location: the town of Kamianske



1 years 11 months

Planned Start of Implementation of the Development Project:


Planned End Date of Implementation of the Development Project:


Project Goals:

Overall objective (s): creation of a specialized educational center in order to improve the accessibility and the quality of education for the children with special educational needs in a general educational institution (school),

providing them optimal development, successful integration in the society through creating the special zones for their development and making comfortable educational environment.

 Specific objectives: 

• introduction of the course of social and household orientation for children with intellectual disabilities;

•expansion of correctional services for the children with special educational needs;

•integration of the children with special educational needs using ergotherapy, occupational therapy, animalotherapy by building a winter garden

Description of the Target Group

The children with special educational needs and disabled children

There are 854 students at the school. Among them, 32 students have special educational needs and require an individual program of development and correctional training.

Namely, with such disorders as:

20 students with delayed mental development;

4 students with intellectual violations;

4 students with severe speech impairments;

3 students with hearing loss;

1 pupil with visual impairments

But every year the number of the children with special educational needs is increasing.


Total Value of the Development Project:

271 060 BGN

Funding requested by the Development Aid of Bulgaria





Full Name of the Applicant:

Municipal Institution "Secondary School № 22" of Kamianske Local Council in Dniepropetrovsk Region

Applicant’s Country of Origin:


Date the Applicant’s organisation was established:

The year of 1975

Scope of Activity of the Applicant:


Correspondence Address:

Ukraine, Dniepropetrovsk Region

the town of Kamianske,

21 Glagolev Street

Postcode 51928

Contact Person:

Melnyk Iryna Anatoliivna

Phone Number:

+38 (067) 331-78-69

E-mail Address:

[email protected]

Name and Position of the Person authorized to sign the Grant           Agreement:

Hudoleeva Iryna Konstantynivna, Head of Municipal Institution "Secondary School № 22" of Kamianske Local Council in Dniepropetrovsk Region



  1. Name:

Inclusive complex “Zircovyy Shliah” (“Star Way”) for the development and integration of the children with special educational needs.




  1. Territorial Scope:


State (s)


Region (s)

Dniepropetrovsk Region


the town of Kamianske

Address of the Building / Premises, where activities will be carried out

21 Glagolev Street



 Amount of Project Funding:


Total Value of the Project

Amount of Requested Funding

Percentage (%) of the Requested Funding from the Total Cost of the Project

      271 060 BGN         

                      257 507 BGN



 3.1. Estimates the Activity Costs:



Type of Activity:

Price per each

Total BGN

          Total EUR

Design and cost estimate documentation

320 000 Hrn

21 038

10 751

General construction (including setting the ramp, dismantling and installation of the plastic windows, the interior and front doors, redevelopment of the toilet rooms and the locker rooms, renovation of the walls and floor, repairing the roof etc.)

2 000 000 Hrn

131 490

67 192

Reconstruction of lighting and heating systems, installation of the alarm system              ( including laying the input cable in the building, installation of the electrical room, installation of the power wiring, installation of the pipes and the heating batteries, installation of the lamps, the alarm equipment)

310 000 Hrn

20 381

10 415

Building the special space for a winter garden          (including renovation of the walls, construction of the roof with the roof windows, creation of a plot of land for growing plants, creation of a corner for farming animals)

1 000 000 Hrn

65 745

33 596

Dismantling and installation of sewage and water supply systems

420 000 Hrn

27 613

14 110

Expenditure for the preparation of an Independent Financial Audit of the completed project


72 900 Hrn

4 793

2 449


TOTAL:                                  4 122 900 Hrn              271 060                                   138 513

Communication Plan

(5% from the total value of the project)

206 145 Hrn

13 553

6 926




  4. Conformity:


 4.1. Objectives of the Project Proposal



4.1.1. Overall Goal

Creating an inclusive complex, which will meet the European standards, in purpose to develop and integrate the children with special educational needs (with resource development zones for the child) and to teach, socialize the children with special educational needs. Making these development zones is very important for creating the effective environment for the children with special educational needs.


4.1.2. Specific Objectives

1) Improving the quality of the education and expansion of the correctional services for the children with special educational needs through creating the necessary environment and making some additional rooms for the specialists, such as a psychologist, a physical rehabilitation specialist, a correctional teacher, a speech therapist, an instructor for labor adaptation and therapy, a touch sensor specialist;

2) creating the educational environment of the equal opportunities;

3) the course of social and household orientation for the children with intellectual disabilities;

4)  introduction of the principles of the universal design (smart adaptation) during the reconstruction of the adjacent building in order to provide architectural accessibility for the children with special educational needs;

5) correction and development of psychophysical processes which the children with special educational needs have, using ergotherapy, occupational therapy, animalotherapy by building a winter garden;

6) development of auditory, visual, tactile perception development of the speech formation of the pronunciation, development of the mental processes which the children with special educational needs have;

7) recovery, correction and support of some motor functions of the child through physical rehabilitation.  


 4.2. Conformity of the Project Proposal with the stated in the CALL FOR PROPOSALS priorities and areas of cooperation for development. Contribution for the realization of the Agenda 2030 for the sustainable development and of the priority goals of the respective recipient state national strategy/ development program.


Inclusive education is one of the priority directions in the education, which the state guarantees and develops. Since there is an active transition from a medical to a psychobiosocial model of inclusive education in Ukraine, the number of children with special educational needs in the school is increasing constantly. Therefore, now children from the specialized institutions have an alternative to study in the general education institutions. Nowadays 32 children with special educational needs are studying at School № 22. So by 2030, the number of children with educational needs up to 100 people is expected to increase. The children with special educational needs need the expansion of the correctional and developing services in order to improve the quality of education and successful socialization. We are planning to create           such an inclusive complex which will be able to provide a complete list of correctional and developing services and will be useful for all the children of the school because it will provide them a comfortable stay in a common educational environment.

4.3. Description of the Target Group


The main target group is the children with special educational needs and 854 children of the school. The total number of the children with special educational needs is:

- 32 children with special educational needs who have an inclusive form of studying.                                Namely, with such disorders as:

                    20 students with delayed mental development;

                     4 students with intellectual violations;

                     4 students with severe speech impairments;

                     3 students with hearing loss;

                     1 pupil with visual impairments;

-   11   disabled children;

-   1 child who has an individual form of studying and requires training in physical therapy (a child with musculoskeletal disorders (Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) for whom therapeutic exercises are necessary).

5. Methodology and Organization


5.1. Description of the Activities

Please, fill in the table with details for each specific activity of your development project proposal.


1) Name of the Activity:

  Reception Desk

Purpose of the Activity:

Organizing the order of providing the correctional services; rest for the parents and the children with special educational needs during the intervals between the correctional trainings.

Description and Justification of the Activity:

This room will be created in order to provide the aesthetic component of the center. The documentation will be stored in it.


Well- organized information space, free access for the parents and the specialists to the information and the schedule of the classes.

Executor of the Activity:

A tutor

2) Name of the Activity:

Dark Sensory Room

Purpose of the Activity:

Creating the environment which helps to develop the auditory, visual, tactile perception and provides the effect of relaxation.

Description and Justification of the Activity:

Classes in the sensory room are aimed at solving such problems as relaxation, activation and development. The dark sensory room will be equipped for relaxation, correction of sensory derivation, stimulation of various systems of the body in order to develop the emotional and volitional fields of the students, the  mental processes, as well as psychoemotional unloading.


Relaxation, activation of the mental processes, development of the sensory organs.

Executor of the Activity:

Psychologist, Sensory Integration Specialist.

3) Name of the Activity:

Light Sensory Integration

Purpose of the Activity:

Development of the orientation in space, forming of the body management skills, the development of the tactile sensations.

Description and Justification of the Activity:

Classes in the light sensory room are aimed at relaxing the musculoskeletal system, stimulating and restoring muscle tone.


Free orientation in space, skills to manage their own body, developed tactile sensations.

Executor of the Activity:

Psychologist, Specialist in Sensory Integration, Physical Rehabilitation Specialist, Physical Therapy Specialist.

4) Name of the Activity:

Rehab Room

Purpose of the Activity:

Detection of the musculoskeletal disorders, determination of the potential and the development of an individual plan for the physical rehabilitation of the children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Description and Justification of the Activity:

Children with the musculoskeletal disorders require the restoration of the correction and the maintenance of the motor functions of the body.


Formed body management skills, ability to navigate in space.

Executor of the Activity:

Physical Therapy Specialist

(5) Name of the Activity:

Massage Room


Purpose of the Activity:

General improvement and individual correction of the children with the musculoskeletal disorders according to the prescription of a physician.

Description and Justification of the Activity:

Therapeutic massage is a necessary component in the violation of the musculoskeletal system. In our institution, the children with the musculoskeletal disorders will be able to receive these services for free.


This type of correctional service is expedient for increasing or decreasing the nervous arousal; for recovering the lost reflexes; for improving the activity of some separate internal organs and tissues; for positive effect on the cardiovascular system; for easing the work of the heart, improving the function of the joints.

Executor of the Activity:

Specialist in Therapeutic Massages and Rehabilitation of the disabled children.

6) Name of the Activity:

Speech Therapist Class

Purpose of the Activity:

Development and speech correction for children with special educational needs.

Description and Justification of the Activity:

A large number of children have speech disorders of varying degrees, so the creation of the speech therapist class is necessary. It will be equipped with the necessary computer equipment and the lingua-phone equipment, specialized content profile, necessary equipment for probe massage, which will allow to develop and correct the speech of the children with special educational needs.


Development of the correct pronunciation and speech.

Executor of the Activity:

Speech Therapist

7) Name of the Activity:

Locker Rooms for Students

Purpose of the Activity:

Dressing in the comfortable clothes and storage of the personal things

Description and Justification of the Activity:

Possibility to leave outerwear, to change clothes in special dressing for certain corrective services and the possibility to leave the personal things.


Compliance with the sanitary and hygienic requirements

Executor of the Activity:


8) Name of the Activity:


Purpose of the Activity:

Personal hygiene

Description and Justification of the Activity:

Toilets will be renovated according to the principles of universal design and will be architecturally accessible to the children with different disorders. One of the toilets will have a ramp so that it can be used by the children on the wheelchairs without the help of other people. For the children with the visual impairment, enlarged pointers and labels will be posted using the Braille font.


Compliance with the sanitary and hygienic requirements

Executor of the Activity:


9) Name of the Activity:

Social and Household Orientation Room

Purpose of the Activity:

Developing students' skills in social and household orientation and self-service skills

Description and Justification of the Activity:

This room will be especially relevant for the children with the intellectual disabilities and autism disorders. These categories of children have the greatest difficulty in self-service and navigating in everyday life and in the social interaction. This room will be equipped with a kitchen, a washing machine, a refrigerator, a shower cabin, a bidet, an electric stove, dining utensils and dishes for cooking.


Students with special educational needs will be able to navigate socially in their lives in order to find work in the future and be self-fulfilling.

Executor of the Activity:

Social and Household Orientation Specialist.

10) Name of the Activity:

Study Room

Purpose of the Activity:

Creating the space for classes with a correctional teacher, a psychologist

Description and Justification of the Activity:

This room will be divided into 3 areas: educational, relaxation area and correctional area with a psychologist. In the educational area, classes will be held with a correctional teacher for the development of the mental processes and increasing the academic performance. In the relaxation area, the child will be able to have a temporary break between the activities. In the third zone there will be correctional and developmental psychology classes


Development of the mental processes, increasing of academic performance, emotional unloading.

Executor of the Activity:

Correctional Teacher, Psychologist.

11) Name of the Activity:

Winter Garden

Purpose of the Activity:

Integration of the children with special educational needs with the use of ergotherapy and occupational therapy.

Description and Justification of the Activity:

In this room, different types of plants will be planted, several species of birds and farm animals will be kept to integrate the children with special educational needs.


The use of ergotherapy and animalotherapy, ornithotherapy, phytotherapy will help the children with special educational needs to develop the idea of spatial-temporal connections, the cause and effect processes, to stimulate the development of empathy and to develop general ideas about various physical processes and phenomena.

Executor of the Activity:

Labor Adaptation and Therapy Instructor

5.2. Methodology for Implementation of the Development Project Proposal

5.2.1. Communication plan and Publicity in the Implementation of the Development Project Proposal



The information about the stages of implementation of the project “Zirkovyy Shliah” (“Star Way”) and its results will be on Kamianske Local Council official website, Department of Humanitarian Issues of Kamianske Local Council website , the official website of the educational institution, in the town media (town television, local press), in the social networks.


5.2.2. Organization and Management


If the project is supported, the proper condition will be maintained and the qualifications of the specialists will be improved to provide better services for the children with special needs.


5.3. Duration of the Development Project

Duration of the Development Project

822 days/ 27 months

Planned Start of the Implementation of the Development Project




Planned end of the Implementation of the Development Project






5.4. Monitoring and Internal Evaluation when Implementing the Activities


The administration of the institution will carry out internal monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the activities with the help of the medical and educational commissions and monitoring the results of the children with special educational needs.

5.5. Performance Indicators







Quantity /pcs/


  1. Increasing the number of the children with special educational needs and the disabled children in the educational institution

up to 100 people

  1. Increasing the functional awareness of the school children

up to 900 people

  1. Increasing the effectiveness of the social and household adaptation of the children with special educational needs

up to 100 people


5.6. Indicators for Evaluation of the Development Project

1. Creating the educational and development environment for the children with special educational needs by providing a psychological and educational, medical and social support.

2. Introducing an inclusive model of the education in the general education institutions taking into account the needs of the society.

3. Providing the access to the social environment and the rehabilitation facilities.

4. Improving the system of training and retraining of the educational staff who work under the conditions of the inclusive education.

5. Attracting the parents of the children with special educational needs to participate in the educational and rehabilitation process in order to increase its efficiency.

 5.7. Sustainability of the Development Project


1. The project is considered to be sustainable and financially implemented, as it involves organizational and economic mechanisms for its implementation.

2. Creating educational and developing environment for the children with special educational needs by providing psychological and educational, medical and social support.

3. Introducing an inclusive model of education in general education institutions taking into account the needs of the society.

4. Providing the access to the social environment and the rehabilitation facilities.

5. Improving the system of training and retraining of the educational staff who work under the conditions of the inclusive education.

6.  There are no circumstances under Art. 23, para. 3-8 of Decree No. 234 of the Council of Ministers of 01.08.2011 on the policy of the Republic of Bulgaria on participation in international development cooperation.


Date and place: 9th June, 2020


The town of Kamianske

Names, contact details and signature of the applicant:

Hudoleeva Iryna Konstantynivna, Head of Municipal Institution "Secondary School № 22" of Kamianske Local Council in Dniepropetrovsk Region, tel. +38 (067) 977-20-95,

e-mail address: [email protected].